Registration Is Open
June 1, 8, 15, & 22
Prayer School
In Person
Prayer School is a 4-week foundational course designed for the Believer who wants to develop a closer relationship to God. Prayer School allows believers to come together, explore the Word of God and remove unknown elements that may be holding them back from the relationship with God they are longing for.
Upcoming Courses
Coming Soon
Fresh Start
In Person & Online
Fresh Start is a training class for new believers. Making a commitment to submit your life to Jesus Christ can be both exciting and overwhelming. This life-changing decision is viewed as a “fresh start” – an opportunity for a brand new life. This course is designed to help you by teaching the principles of your newly found Christian Faith. Congratulations! This is your first step toward your NEXT.

Level Up Leadership Course
Level Up Leadership is designed for those who have entered Leadership at The Light Center or anyone who is interested in matriculating into Leadership. This course is available for persons that are serious about pursuing a leadership position at The Light Center.
On Board Mondays
On Board Mondays is a one time, fast-paced informational session, designed as a brief overview of our dynamic church. In this class we share the various opportunities New Partners have for growth in this fellowship. Completion of this class is required before becoming recognized as an actual partner (member) of The Light Center.
Registration - On Board Mondays
Prayer School 2 - Coming Soon
Prayer School 2 - The Lifestyle follows the foundational course of Prayer School. It is designed to act as a guide for the Believer in their transition from the knowledge and act of prayer into the Lifestyle of Prayer and a deeper relationship with God.Pre-Requisite course: Prayer School